Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Simple Thermal Sensor Circuit

05 dicembre: la neve non ferma la solidarietà...

December 5 - Sunday's heavy snowfall throughout the north at low altitude. The white flakes fell heavy and incessant complicating, sometimes prohibitive, traffic on roads and highways.
The Caravonica of Volleyball and the City but did not stop with the "fuel" of solidarity came in Busto Arsizio, Pavia and Piacenza in a few hours handing out more than 60 calendars.
A heartfelt thanks to Giulia Gasparini, Valentina Carella and funny "by Gigi-In-Law" for having given their availability, thus giving us with their presence entirely voluntary and free, practical help and essential to the distribution of calendars.
Despite all the difficulties and the cold are dissolved, with their smiles and their resourcefulness, all the difficulties of snow.
Thanks girls ...


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