Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Why Do I Need Vanilla Extract In Brownies


In Côte d'Ivoire have made the election. The president said he did not win but he won. All locked: strikes, escapes, riots. Some also say the dead, weapons, hate and resentment. Roseline
you remember? Because of renal dysfunction had become swollen, about to burst. Luckily we met, we and you. Simple medicines, simple pads. All the past. Roseline has begun to smile, play and grow.
Then, because there was this moment of political instability, someone submitted the bill to Roseline. Roseline? THE BILL? But why? A girl? What does?
got to do it his fault if you are sick of such a thing and needed medicines in sub-Saharan country. It could not be come something simpler?
With the riots have not arrived medicines, drips, care. Alternatives for the family? Sitting in front to their home with the baby in her arms and wait to stop suffering.
Roseline is dead, as many children die in Africa (and beyond).

E 'tragic. Millions of children around the world suffer and die only for matters of political principle of some adults.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Los Hombres De Paco Music

Con il cuore, sempre... Gente di volley e solidarieà.

has been just less than 40 days from that night in Cambridge where, on the song "I learned to dream "We presented with enthusiasm, excitement and great fear our little dream, our solidarity initiative, our bet a charity with a world in which we believe and we are proud to belong, that of women's volleyball .
We are a little tired, and take the almost certain 4000 km, which led us to Busnago from Pesaro to Urbino to bust through Parma, Castellanza, Piacenza, Pavia Perugia ... and sometimes we wondered if it was worth it.
The answer we found in the smiles, the pats on the back, messages, gestures and concrete in the help of many of you. We found that people in the love of volleyball has shown us so far, in every square, in the attention really welcome the unexpected that many local and national press has devoted to our iniziatva and it to our sport.
There were also some disappointments and the most "indigestible" is perhaps the indifference of some, not so much to the initiative, but unfortunately to a world, that of solidarity and the voluntary sector that it deserves, at any level, admiration and respect.
For many Volleyball and the City is just one calendar beneficial as there are many "one of the many charitable initiatives proposed at this time. Nothing could be truer. It 's a drop in the bucket. Very true. We, however, this drop in there we put a lot of sweat, rain, gasoline and why not, a bit romantic, even moved to tears. And if we did it is also thanks to you.
We break the tie, the last set ... the decisive points. The scores, in order to stay in the metaphor volleyball, will be read at the end (the end of January !!!). As we prepare to return to the field (9 January in Verona and Novara) and to fight until the last point on each "ball", we should look with admiration and applaud all of you who have been here since the wonderful ... We are sure our audience to see in your midst, once again, that old banner is now a little yellowed, quell'incoraggiamento timely and very dear to us: "with the heart, always."

Should My Toes Go Purple With A Cast On

Sempre più on line...

After hours of travel (to Pesaro with Gigi & Marty with Miky and Pavia), the caravan of beneficial "Volleyball and the City" stops but only for a few days. We
In fact, back on January 9 fields (in Verona and Novara) to offer our calendar beneficial.
Meanwhile instead continues, without pause, the attention of the media to our charity initiative.
The diffodere thank you for helping us get our message is this time the portal MIA PAVIA and web magazine BRESCIA 7 DAYS.

Monday, December 20, 2010

How To Make A Cosmo Rita

mercoledì 22 a PAVIA: un appuntamento SUPER anche con la solidarieta!!!

The appunatamento will also SUPER solidarity with the ...

staff "on the wings of Solidarity Volleyball " and the " Pallavoliamo.it " will in fact also present Wednesday, December 22 at Pala Ravizza of Pavia distrubute beneficial for the calendar VOLLEYBALL AND THE CITY before and after the meeting CARNAGHI MC VILLA CORTESE - Scavolini Pesaro VOLLEYBALL valid for the award of the 15th Italian Supercup .

Anzanello, Villa Cortese
MARI, Scavolini Pesaro

REMEMBER THAT 'CAN ALSO BOOK YOUR CALENDAR Send mail to: solidarietaevolley@libero.it

VOLLEYBALL AND THE CITY is beneficial calendar 2011 rose volley of the proceeds will go Children's Hospital of Brescia .

Nothing dear, very precious help us give a smile "

Friday, December 17, 2010

California Catering Permits Alcohol Sales

sabato 18 a PERUGIA, domenica 19 a PARMA e a URBINO

continues tour solidarity in the halls of 'Italy distrubute our calendar for charity ...

Sunday 19 December 2010

to Pala Raschi of PARMA
at the meeting Back to Category PARMA - CHIERI VOLLEYBALL CLUB


We also Saturday, December 18, 2010

CONTI, Parma

REMEMBER THAT 'CAN ALSO BOOK YOUR CALENDAR Send mail to: solidarietaevolley@libero.it

AND VOLLEY THE CITY is beneficial calendar 2011 rose volley of the proceeds will go at Children's Hospital of Brescia.

Nothing dear, very precious help us give a smile "

Saturday, December 11, 2010

After Extraction Stiching


It a good "imitation" and "reward" for the sympathy and affection that we show. Fabiola Marangon, a youth of Busto Arsizio, has been photographed by his Peo Moroni in the same place and in the same pose in which our Gigi Di Fiore immortalized Francesca Cisky Marcon beneficial to our calendar "Volleyball and the City".
Fabiola becomes our ambassador for a day or at least for a post ...
course will retain its name and its release schedule for 2012!
Joking apart, thanks to Peo's always fun and thanks to Fabiola for the installation and the smile that has given us.
This time, we can say, do not beware of imitations !

No More Tears David Nevue Sheet Music

12 DICEMBRE: anche al Pala Borsani di Castellanza

Sunday, 12 December 2010

also Borsani Pala di Castello (VA)

VOLLEYBALL AND THE CITY is the 2011 charity calendar made with some familiar faces from the Italian volleyball, whose proceeds will go towards Children's Hospital of Brescia.
Nothing dear, very precious help us give a smile "

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Alabama Quarterback Number 12

12 DICEMBRE: al Pala Busnago

Sunday 12 December 2010

to Pala Busnago of Busnago (MI)
at the meeting Dahila Busnago TV - ICOS CREAM

PS: special thanks to the company Dahila TV Busnago for the affection with which he believed from the outset of this initiative.

VOLLEYBALL AND THE CITY is 2011 charity calendar made with some familiar faces from the Italian volleyball, whose proceeds will go at Children's Hospital of Brescia.
Nothing dear, very precious help us give a smile "

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sms New Baby Born Message

Protagonisti su LA TRIBUNA di TREVISO

The echo of our initiative also came in Treviso, where his friend Alberto Rosa , he told with words and exciting moving images, giving space and prominence in the local newspaper THE TRIBUNE . In Albert and thank the entire editorial staff for helping to spread our message of solidarity, we propose the following excerpt from the article.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Simple Thermal Sensor Circuit

05 dicembre: la neve non ferma la solidarietà...

December 5 - Sunday's heavy snowfall throughout the north at low altitude. The white flakes fell heavy and incessant complicating, sometimes prohibitive, traffic on roads and highways.
The Caravonica of Volleyball and the City but did not stop with the "fuel" of solidarity came in Busto Arsizio, Pavia and Piacenza in a few hours handing out more than 60 calendars.
A heartfelt thanks to Giulia Gasparini, Valentina Carella and funny "by Gigi-In-Law" for having given their availability, thus giving us with their presence entirely voluntary and free, practical help and essential to the distribution of calendars.
Despite all the difficulties and the cold are dissolved, with their smiles and their resourcefulness, all the difficulties of snow.
Thanks girls ...

Dickies Bag In Singapore

Rassegna stampa: protagonisti su LA LIBERTA' e su LA CRONACA

As you continue distributing VOLLEYBALL AND THE CITY Piacenza and Cremona some friends tell us that our charity initiative has found a place in the local newspapers FREEDOM ' and THE CHRONICLE on 05 December. To those who follow us with such affection, the cited publications, the company Nordmeccanica Rebecchi and Piacenza who has collected so far our invitation to spread our message of solidarity, our warmest THANKS!