Our association was invited by Eataly "High Food", the permanent exhibition of food quality in Turin, to pack and serve for two consecutive evenings, Tuesday 3 and Wednesday, August 4, the event "We do good things," two-course choice of the association, prepared with raw materials of high quality and freshness provided by the same Eataly. Half of collection after expenses will go to the Association, who will use it in the current project, namely the construction of a health post in the village of Akoupé (Ivory Coast).
We enthusiastically accepted the proposal Eataly and also with a little 'embarrassed: ours is a small group meeting with a company so famous, and puts us in a big city in turmoil. Even so we asked for help from the provincial administration, so that this occasion will become an event to promote our business certainly, but also our beautiful land of origin.
We will be hosted in a place known for the quality of food, we can not do anything but cook the dishes that represent us, representing the entire Province of Savona: tagliatelle with zucchini and shrimp along the Riviera, stuffed vegetables to the mainland, respectively on the evenings of Tuesday and third Wednesday, August 4. Before the Riviera of rich holiday dish, shrimp with zucchini married to enhance the home-made pasta, and then, the next evening, a traditional dish throughout the summer campaign Savona: stuffed vegetables, simple and modest, and enriched aromatic, fragrant, even to eat with your fingers, so just out of the oven, as let cool. For the event, many elements of the association were precept Eataly some work in the kitchen, others will follow the service, others will stay at the information booth.
was an opportunity too big to be spent only for us, we have consulted with the Councillor for Social Policies and volunteering in the Province of Savona, Dr Peter Saints. The authorities, given the opportunity, he collaborated on the banner that has the public Eataly Association. We will take the name of our province to Turin, perhaps highlighting the beauty of our valley Bormida. Not to mention the fundamental reason that led us to Turin: raise awareness of our activities in Côte d'Ivoire and raise funds to continue building a health post in the village of Akoupé.
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