The association "Luke is with us" non-profit organization has received about four months ago that a cry for help, among others, has attracted strong attention of the board and the many partners working together. It was a little girl in Côte d'Ivoire Madeleine, aged 12, residing in the village of Akoupè in the southern part of this African country. She lost her mother, lives with three other brothers and father, and poor economic conditions. This summer
Madeleine, like all children of the world, enjoyed playing with other friends.
You climb up a tree, perhaps to pick a fruit, perhaps just to prove to be as strong as others, but has slipped, he missed the jack and fell awkwardly to the ground, fracturing his leg.
Here we have an incident like that would be regrettable, but would not raise serious concerns: it would call 118 immediately would know that immobilize the injured limb. The ambulance sirens would explain the unfortunate to the emergency room, where it would be visited and edited as necessary in a short time might come home, and soon, to play, as usual. But in a village in Ivory Coast is very different. Madeleine was a little lucky because the fall broke his femur in a disorganized, but without injuring any blood vessel. She was taken to arms to his modest house (one room and a small courtyard), albeit loving and laid on the pallet. Everyone in the village have given advice, tried to soothe the pain with what they knew or could do. The early days were very hard for little Madeleine. Then, slowly, it is called standing. With a pair of rough crutches get one from the father was able to finally leave the small house. The African sun has lit up the leg wound: the bone is welded in place, but in the incorrect place. The child will remain crippled for life. Who wants a wife? What work can be done in your life? The solution is assigned to an operation that undermines the bone in the right position, but the hospital is 60 km away and the family has no money for the trip, not even talking about the enormous challenge to address the supply and the hospitalization, because health in Africa, the full cost of the patient. And if you do not have money will not care.
There are three people in Côte d'Ivoire, three young boys and awake, called Thomas, Martha and Sebastien. Everyone in the village know them because they are the referents of the "Luke is with us." Madeleine's father decided to seek advice from them. The three boys know him and his problems, they know little, they knew they had broken a leg but they had heard nothing of the problems related to healing.
Thomas phoned Italy, in Plodio. He spoke with the president of the Association: "What can you do?" The Association has been gathered in haste: it takes ideas, proposals and systems to collect what little ' money to solve this problem.
A charity dinner! Sure! The Ivorian president has contacted some of the girls who work at Cuneo, have already been a cook at Plodio this summer for the annual festival. What do you think girls, you want to help? No need to write your reply. Not only the girls were excited to do something for the Association, but also liked their idea of \u200b\u200bhelping a child in their country, like say, helping the Ivorian Ivorian.
But to organize a dinner like we need a suitable place, a place, a shed, a room. And then a kitchen, a clean and equipped. And there will be a place like this? Of course there is! In Val Bormida enough to spread the word, in a moment he found "squaring the circle": the Pro Loco of Cengio, through its president Marracino, is available to provide room and facilities. Said and done! In no time you organize, you can buy raw materials, we agree with the Ivorian girls, preparing posters and banners. Finally
Friday, September 11, 2009 the Association "Luke is with us," helped by no longer know how many friends, has been at the Pro Loco of Cengio in isolated places more or less 250 people, who have crowded to sample specialties Africa, together with the satisfaction of knowing that good meal, for that evening, you could feed an even greater satisfaction: solving a big problem to a small child.
But the evening brought Cengio still a big surprise for the Association "Luke is with us."
were guests of the evening with a banquet for all to themselves, friends of the "Jamaus", created recently to commemorate Matthew Siri "Envelope". These kids to remember their friends organized a concert and have published a book of poems and aphorisms of "Envelope" means all original material, collected under the title: "... enough for me ... the sound of a trumpet." The proceeds from the sale of the book are Association for "Luke is with us," specifically for health interventions. The Association "Jamaus" at the end of the evening gave the president of "Luke is with us" an allowance of 1000 €, welcomed by the audience with loud applause.
The problems of Africa and the Ivory Coast will not be solved soon. The Association "Luke is with us" is convinced that staying is the thing to look less human that we can do. You have to start somewhere, even in small steps, with small well-designed interventions. Before the end of September
Madeleine was accompanied to the hospital of Abidjan, has been operated and is now almost healed. Tomorrow will be a woman who can choose his destiny. This seems to us a great thing produced by Val Bormida, friends of Cengio and also by the "Luke is with us."
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