Monday, November 10, 2008

Conglatulatory Phrases For A Wedding


As in science fiction films of the past. Like Wall-E. Only the Exodus, it is still in space.


The people of Maldives do not want to end up like Atlantis. Because of global warming begins the archipelago is likely to end up underwater. The President Mohamed Nasheed runs for cover creating a sovereign wealth fund to buy a new home in the event of sea level rise. "We can not do anything to stop climate change, so 'we are forced to buy land elsewhere," he told the British newspaper The Guardian Nasheed elected just a month ago in the first democratic consultation of the country. The Maldives, one of the most 'sought after tourist destinations in the world, are made 1,192 coral islands from just 1.5 meters high above sea level. Would be the first to be submerged for a possible rise in the Indian Ocean due to the greenhouse effect. The idea 'to create a sovereign wealth fund with the proceeds of tourism in the style of the ones opened by Arab oil producers. "The Kuwait invests in companies we invest in land," said Nasheed. "We do not want to leave the Maldives, but we do not want to live as refugees in tents for decades," he added. The outgoing President, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, who ruled the archipelago for 30 years, in April he wrote a book in which he showed such a catastrophic situation. The only solution - he wrote - and 'move citizens lands as 'safe, unless you want to build high walls on 193 inhabited islands, but it would be too expensive. "


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