Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Getting Off Respiridone

PHOTO does the Right Thing! Back

Three days of fantastic show as always ... a lot of people, a hint of sun warmed us a bit ', a fifteen bikes donated, remittances apostates and sold at auction!

Thanks to all
friends who have gone and who helped us!
next year!!

photos (1)

HERE More photos (2)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Eclair Recipe With Saltines

our heroes ...

are four of them, like the musketeers, as the cardinal points. They are motivated and determined.
have landed recently in Ivory Coast have called, they are fine.
The first news is that some sick children have taken to heart.
Well, those kids are all better. Some were healed, others are on the road to recovery. Our
are posted noting a lot of things, have lots of ideas ... Soon we will try to meet, watch movies and photo, to know their hands are like our friends from the Ivory Coast!
stick around!

NOTE: The photos we dedicate it all together with G. because he wanted so much and had to postpone for now. G-force ! Will be for the next opportunity!