Sunday, May 24, 2009

Most Commonpick Three Lottery Number


bikes are still many who continue to arrive at the PIME and fix them we'll still be there next Saturday!

So if you're in the area, Saturday, May 30
come and visit in Moses via Bianchi 94 .
entrance of Ciclofficina ask and tell you where to go!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Where Do You Get Tall Converse

Saturday, May 23 WE ARE CLOSED!

::::: WARNING! ::::::: SATURDAY 23 CICLOFFICI NA IS CLOSED! At next Saturday ...

Monday, May 18, 2009

How Can I Read The Deminsions Of Something?

Ciclofficina Cockaigne has done it !!!!!!

15-16-17 May 2009 ... it was really TUTTAUNALTRAFESTA !!!!!

Let the numbers .... 3 days of the fair, 15 great mechanics, and not, of Ciclofficina grappling with over 200 pieces of all kinds of bicycles donated by the citizens of Milan for Guinea Bissau, one day in the rain and two others at 28 ° C, at least 20,000 visitors ... and 100 bikes ready to be shipped to Africa ..........

Thanks to everyone who helped us, who attended the fair, who donated their bikes .... THANKS PIME for believing in us!!
.. waiting for the next year ..
here's photos of this fantastic adventure ....
soon ...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Weird Taste After Wisdom Teeth Removal


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Vice City Unhandled Error


Ciclofficina Cuccagna invites you to
TUTTAUNALTRAFESTA Family 2009, feast of the fair market 15-16-17 May, which PIME held in the park!

"100 years of Tour - 100 bikes to Africa" \u200b\u200b
On the occasion of the centenary of the Tour of Italy, the goal is to collect PIME
100 bike (used but supervised by our team of mechanics to ensure the functionality) that will be sent Bissau in origin and distributed by missionaries to teachers and catechists so that they can reach faster the more distant villages. addition to providing concrete help to the people of Guinea Bissau will be an opportunity to bring all of the bicycle, proposed as a means of transport in our cities green.

Over the weekend there will be performances, concerts, exhibitions and creative workshops, as our laboratory "learning bike repair" Saturday at 10:00 ... and much more ..... see the program (www
. ) e. ..
... bring your bike to Africa!

Friday 15 from 9.30 to 23.00
Saturday 16 from 9.30 to 23.00
Sunday 17 from 9.30 to 20.00

:::::::: WARNING: bikes are carried exclusively at PIME headquarters! ::::::::: :
c / o Moses
PIME via Bianchi 94. Milan
MM1> Lot-Amendola fair
Trolleybus> Bus
90-91> 49-78

:::::: On Saturday, the day
Ciclofficina will be closed! :::::::::