Friday, April 24, 2009

Rotadent Electric Toothbrushvs Sonicare

2009 What can a Ciclofficina ...

After reporting yesterday, Ciclofficina Cockaigne came forward and wrote Cinelli asked about the reasons.
Cinelli has responded immediately and joined the initiative of the Ministry of Environment.

We pick up so as Cinelli said yesterday, thanking them, instead, to listen mostratoci and attention to bicycles as a means to sustainable mobility. Now even

Cinelli bikes can be purchased with 30% discount!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Difference Between Burton Custom And Custom Ics

incentives for cycling.

The Ministry of Environment has launched a measure to promote the use of sustainable means
. addition to the bicycle pedal assistance and mopeds, are the major bike brands such as:
Atala, Bianchi, Colnago, Legnano, Elm and Pinarello . Among them was race bike prices intergalactic ... There is, however,
Cinelli and perhaps it is something that should make us reflect. Cinelli has recently placed much emphasis on the types of bikes to "fixed gear" bike for beautiful, fashionable, and then does not sign the agreement to encourage use. Cinelli Do not buy if you love your bike!
Cinelli has the sole purpose of making business ideas of cyclists and then raise the price by becoming a habit of practical solutions
radical-chic and removing the possibility for the ordinary people to combine their bike as a better believes.

For posterity will judge ...

Monday, April 20, 2009

How To Get Pokemon Silver On Vba

Happy Birthday to Rita Levi Montalcini

"From young, my desire was to go to Africa by Albert Schweitzer to treat lepers. Today, devote myself to helping others is what counts. We have a total dedication to those who need help, especially to populations that have been used more as those in Africa, especially women who were physically and mentally destroyed. Joseph Tripodi and I have written a book, Eve was African, and created approximately 7,000 scholarships to enable these women to enjoy adequate education and prove their worth. We, the people "educated" we are guilty of the crimes of slavery and colonialism that rocked Africa and today we abuse of that wonderful continent, while we continually excuse the evil we have done in the past. "

Sunday, April 19, 2009



Thursday, April 23 you are all invited to a cocktail critic!

From at 19.00 in Ticinese 46 ... we'll all go together in Segura critical mass! (22.00 square Graziano Predielis - former Merchants)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

What Are The Legendary Pokemon In Pokemon Deluge

Abruzzo earthquake

not only the Ivory Coast are in our thoughts. Of all the suffering there in the world today is the time to think about what we can do for our countrymen.
Stay tuned, soon the novelty of the "Luke is with us on this difficult situation. Abruzzi

Courage! You are not alone!