Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Simple Human Soap Dispenser Set Up Guide


At the conclusion of the initiative
beneficial "Volleyball and the city," Ali promoted by Solidarity on the volley, in collaboration with the web magazine, to Children's Hospital Brescia, we are pleased to invite you to

press conference

to be held on Saturday, March 19 days, 16 hours to at the Newsroom Hospital, Via del Medole 2, Brescia.

Presenting the proceeds of distribution of calendars, 12 players who portray the protagonists of the Italian volleyball, will be the spokesperson of the initiative, Cristiana Giovannini, Schiacciatrice of Dahlia Busnago TV.

For membership and more information:

Friday, January 28, 2011

Dragon Ear Infection?

Solidarietà e volley: protagonisti da prima pagina..

in the last weeks frenetic activity distribution and personal commitments have led us to prefer other communication channels at the expense of these pages, our official blog.
returned today to update it with satisfaction and enthusiasm to share with those we have hitherto followed and supported, a result that can be very proud.
Thanks to the valuable collaboration of the Press Office of the National League women's volleyball, to which we give our most sincere and affectionate gratitude, our message by Solidarity was transmitted and distributed by the major national sports magazines, and newspapers as well as a large mensilidi tirutura.
proud to have contributed, in our small, repeated their extraordinary, wonderful, sensitive, caring is the sport we love, we propose the following of some of the pages on which we have been online players.

Good Talent Show Songs To Dance To 2010

Health center? DONE! Hello

A man alone does nothing. A group of friends do something. A set of different people who understand and work together to achieve the completion of a project can be done. Someone brought someone has corrected, someone has designed, financed many have, someone else has built. And here ... The garrison health Akoupè, which will also seat of the "Luke is with us" in the Ivory Coast, the place where, who you want, we can go and live for a few days, and share and learn from our friends Ivorians. The main thing will be imported
health education: this is linked with health center our kindergartens. Firms will be regular visits there for our children (and, where appropriate, not "our "...). It will be a space in which the Italian doctors may be aware of the problems and propose solutions. There are still
finishes, plants, furniture. But even so like, is not it?
Next time, not on our own, but all together. Maybe discussing, talking, hard work, but together ... You know the results!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Why Do I Need Vanilla Extract In Brownies


In Côte d'Ivoire have made the election. The president said he did not win but he won. All locked: strikes, escapes, riots. Some also say the dead, weapons, hate and resentment. Roseline
you remember? Because of renal dysfunction had become swollen, about to burst. Luckily we met, we and you. Simple medicines, simple pads. All the past. Roseline has begun to smile, play and grow.
Then, because there was this moment of political instability, someone submitted the bill to Roseline. Roseline? THE BILL? But why? A girl? What does?
got to do it his fault if you are sick of such a thing and needed medicines in sub-Saharan country. It could not be come something simpler?
With the riots have not arrived medicines, drips, care. Alternatives for the family? Sitting in front to their home with the baby in her arms and wait to stop suffering.
Roseline is dead, as many children die in Africa (and beyond).

E 'tragic. Millions of children around the world suffer and die only for matters of political principle of some adults.